Hooray! We Love
New Students
Trying something new is exciting…but sometimes it’s a little scary, too! Leave your ego at the door and join a yoga community of all levels, ages, genders, shapes, and sizes. Our intuitive instructors offer modifications and adjustments to suit any level of experience, so you’ll never feel uncomfortable or out of place. Whether you’ve practiced a few times or you’ve never even unrolled a yoga mat, you belong here at the Prancing Peacock. Here’s what you can do to get started.

Find a Class
If you have never taken yoga before, the beginner or gentle classes are a great place to start. A beginner class is very instructional, and the gentle class is a little less intense.
If you’re a seasoned yogini, feel free to choose any of our classes here, or go right to the schedule here, or maybe you’re interested in becoming a yoga teacher with us here.