Larry Conner
You’ll likely run into Larry while he’s behind the desk signing in classes, lighting candles in the garden for full moon yoga, shoveling the walkway on your way to class, or tending to the 12 acres of our yardley studio, but either way, he’ll definitely be making someone laugh or sending a friendly smile your way. Larry and Liz have been married for over 40 years and have been creating exceptional spaces for community healing and connection for more than half of them. Larry is the man behind the landscaping, construction, surprise overnight renovations, 4am saltings, and all the work that holds the Prancing Peacock experience together. Liz dreams up an impossible idea, and Larry builds it. You’ll never know what they’ll create next, but it’s certain to be magical.
In a past life, Larry was a CIO and consultant for major health care providers. He is now a full time Peacock, beloved Papadu to five grandkids, and was voted most reliable by all the chickens and goaties.