Preparing for a change of seasons with a cleanse

2012 September 17
by admin

As a yoga studio owner and teacher, I have long searched for all natural and safe supplements and detox products to use. I like to do a cleanse at least four times a year, and occasionally I need to lose a few pounds :).  I do like to eat on a regular basis, (I am sure you do too) so incorporating real food and a cleanse works best for me. I find my metabolism gets cranky if I veer too far off my regular, fairly healthy habits.

Cleansing removes impurities and restores balance to your body. I am happy to say I have finally found a system of products I am impressed with!

Endorsed by the Chopra Center for Wellbeing, Zrii is the only company that combines Ayurveda with the latest scientific research. Ayurveda, the sister science to yoga, is a consciousness-based approach to health, established on the principle of living one’s life in accordance with the cycles and rhythms of Nature.

Here’s the plan:

Four times a year, I do a week long cleanse.

This year, I started to use Purify, a combination of gentle herbs and nutrients. It comes packed in a tidy little box, with clear instructions and everything you need for a 7 day cleanse. It is simple to use and gentle on my system. The Purify System jumps starts your weight loss, removes toxins and impurities, improves digestion, increases energy, deep cleansing at the cellular level.  Of course it’s all-natural, using gentle ingredients. I have found that I will usually drop about 5 pounds during the cleanse.


Before breakfast, I take 4 capsules of Purify herbs with water, and a combination of fiber and detox oil (to keep my body and skin from drying out, which can be a factor with many detox’s) with a healthy breakfast or smoothie.  Zrii also has a shake (Achieve) that I can have instead of preparing a meal. I I blend into a smoothie with my favorite ingredients like peanut butter ( I use PB-Lite powdered peanut butter that has ½ the fat) and fruit, or greens. This is great when I do not have time to make a regular meal. I find this to be my downfall- when I am rushed and grab a bag of pretzels to eat or some pumpkin bread rather than something healthy!

Achieve has 22 nutrients-100% of my daily allowance of vitamins, no gluten, omega 3 & 6, as well as flaxseed.

For lunch I stock up on veggies and whole grains or another Achieve shake/smoothie.

Getting hungry in between meals is not too bad because of the fiber, but if I do need a something I use Accell, an easy snack replacement that dissolves in my water bottle. It burns fat, boost metabolism, improves digestion and reduces stress.  A handful of raw almonds also take any edge off.

For dinner, I eat another healthy meal, and another dose of fiber and detox oil.

I end with 2 more capsules of herbs before bed that insure a healthy elimination in the morning. Don’t laugh-it’s a great feeling!

Each day I drink 1-3 oz. of Zrii amalaki. The company calls it “The Great Rejuvenator”! It provides you with a daily dose of powerful, all natural nutrition that improves digestion, improves your sleep, stabilizes blood sugar levels, enhances immune functioning, and increases cellular rejuvenation and it’s all-natural, wild crafted, and preservative free. It keeps me feeling healthy and strong.

I am very active, but I always make sure that during this detox I practice yoga and walk (20 minutes) (you can borrow a dog to take with you if you need one!), and drink at least 8-10 oz glasses of water, as well as try to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep.

Being organized about what foods I have in the house helps, and I make a shopping trip before I begin to make sure all goes to plan. I like to stick to a plant based diet during this time, as well as whole grains and fruit, avoiding sugary fruits.

I like the smoothies so much that I have continued to drink them for breakfast and occasionally lunch, which allows me to get to a weight I feel comfortable with.

There is nothing like that feeling of good health, when you feel clean from the inside out! This year I will celebrate my hard work with a Fall  Equinox yogic  celebration tradition of 108 sun salutations. Fall, I am ready! Bring it on!

I am happy to tell, you that Zrii products will be available in the boutique, along with education, support and cheerleading (if necessary!)

from → Yoga